TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Hundreds of companies, both local (national) and international, took part in the 2023 Indonesian Food & Hotel Exhibition (FHI) which officially opened on Tuesday 25 July 2023.

Also present at the opening of the event were the Director General of Agro Industry, Ministry of Industry, Putu Juli Ardika and Deputy for Marketing, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ni Made Ayu Marthini.

A total of 750 local, national and global companies participated in the 17th FHI exhibition.

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“There are 750 FHI exhibition participants, 450 local companies and 300 global companies. This is an extraordinary opportunity to introduce the products we have,” said Director General of Agro Industry Putu Juli Ardika at the FHI 2023 press conference, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

Putu said that the Indonesian food and beverage industry experienced growth of 5.35 percent during the first quarter of 2023, after previously growing by 4.9 percent in 2022.

The FnB sector also contributed 38.61 percent to the non-oil and gas sector. Making it the largest sector in gross domestic product (GDP).

The food and beverage industry is also ranked as the third most attractive investment category in Indonesia, after the metal and chemical industry.

The investment value reaches IDR 19.6 trillion from January to July 2023.

This exhibition will take place from 25 July–28 July 2023 at the Jakarta International Expo (JIEXPO), bringing together thousands of entrepreneurs, business people, suppliers, distributors, to consumers and activists in the hospitality, food and beverages (food & beverages or F&B) in Indonesia.

Like previous events, FHI 2023 presents various product categories needed by business actors in the hotel and F&B industry, from domestic and foreign products.

Apart from food, FHI 2023 is also enlivened by a beverage competition, namely the Indonesia Coffee Events (ICE) by the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI). Then the newest activities present at FHI 2023, namely Coffee Talk by the Indonesian Coffee Council (DEKOPI) and Barnation, a collaborative bartender competition with the Indonesia Food & Beverage Executive Association (IFBEC) sponsored by Nano Logistic and Jadidi Internasional.

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Apart from that, there are the F&B Innovation Awards, IFBEC Talk Show and Craft to Beer Fest, a Networking Day event for industry practitioners, vendors and suppliers to gather and share ideas while discussing updates on the latest conditions in the beverage industry.

FHI 2023 Marketing Communication Manager, Leonarita Hutama, said that the various competitions and interesting activities presented at FHI 2023 are expected to help support the progress of national industry.

“FHI is not only present as a trade exhibition, but also as a learning tool for business people and activists in this industry, with the hope that it can support sustainable business acceleration,” he said.

Until the opening day, FHI 2023 was flooded with thousands of visitors who had pre-registered online for entry to the full 4 days of the exhibition. The number of visitors is expected to continue to increase considering that on-site registration for walk-in visitors will continue to be open until the last day of the exhibition, July 28 2023. Prospective visitors only need to register online at the JIEXPO entrance.

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