RAKYAT.NEWS, JAKARTA – PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 1 Jakarta together with the Central Jakarta District Court signed the minutes of the demolition execution, Monday (4/3/2024).

The signing was stated and a copy of the decision was submitted with Number 11/2022Del Jo.18/Pdt/Eks/2022/Put/PN Bdg Jo Number: 417/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Bdg Jo. Number: 209/PDT/2019/PT.Bdg Jo Number: 2719K/Pdt/2021 from the Central Jakarta District Court to PT KAI (Persero) Legal Counsel on behalf of M. Yunan Lubis. Execution Object of land belonging to PT KAI (Persero) on Jl Cylon No. 19 Pecenongan, Central Jakarta, covering an area of ​​596 M2.

Ixfan said the signing was in order to save state assets.

Furthermore, Ixfan explained that on December 18 1984 Sultan Bin Ali Faris unilaterally terminated the rental contract with PT KAI (Persero) and certified a portion of the land covering an area of ​​596 m2 without the knowledge of PT KAI (Persero), resulting in the issuance of SHGB No. 1285 to No. 1293 dated 29 October 1985 a/n Sultan Bin Ali Faris valid for 30 years and then sold to PT Hotel Pecenongan City.

“In 2014, PT Hotel Pecenongan City applied for an extension of SHGB No. 1285 to No. “1293 to BPN Central Jakarta, the application was rejected due to the blocking carried out by PT KAI (Persero),” explained Ixfan, Monday (4/3/2024).

Furthermore, based on the Letter of Rejection of the SHGB extension, PT Hotel Pecenongan City filed a civil lawsuit at the Bandung District Court up to the cassation level at the Supreme Court with case number: 417/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Bdg Jo. Number: 209/PDT/2019/PT.Bdg Jo Number: 2719K/Pdt/2021.

“Regarding the lawsuit filed by PT Hotel Pecenongan City, PT KAI (Persero) won up to the cassation level and an execution order has been made by the Central Jakarta District Court on November 28 2022 with number: 11/2022.Del jo. 18/Pdt/Eks/2022/Put/PN.Bdg jo. Number: 417/Pdt.G/2017/PN.Bdg jo. “Number: 209/PDT/2019/PT.Bdg jo Number: 2719k/Pdt/2021,” said Ixfan.

“Furthermore, after reading the execution order on the subject land, PT KAI Daop 1 Jakarta can carry out the demolition and utilize the land for the Company’s benefit,” concluded Ixfan.

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